Listen to the beat.
Learn more about Lp(a).

Music to My Lp(a)™, brought to you by Silence Therapeutics, is a memorable, immersive and educational experience that leverages the power of music to bring to life the impact of different Lp(a) levels.

An immersive and educational experience that leverages the power of music.
An immersive and educational experience that leverages the power of music.

Why Music?

Music activates several regions of the brain including areas involved in emotional response and memory recall, making it a powerful tool for education.1

What Have You Heard About Lp(a)?

Lipoprotein(a), Lp(a), is a cholesterol-rich lipoprotein that can block up arteries and increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke.2

High Lp(a) is a genetic risk factor that impacts at least 20% of the global population.2 Currently there are no approved treatments that selectively target Lp(a) and testing is not widespread.3

Image of Lipoprotein(a), Lp(a), a sticky, cholesterol-rich lipoprotein.
Tune in to Patients

Henry Ginsberg, MD

Professor of Medicine, Columbia University, past Director, Irving Institute for Clinical & Translational Research, senior investigator of cardiovascular disease and lipoprotein metabolism research, member of Silence Therapeutics’ Scientific Advisory Board.

In his late 40s, Dr. Ginsberg discovered that he had a slightly high coronary calcium score, a test that looks for calcium deposits in the heart’s major arteries, which signifies the presence of coronary artery plaques. Dr. Ginsberg’s blood lipid levels, including LDL cholesterol, had always been in the normal range and he had no other personal risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

There was, however, a history of early coronary heart disease on his mother’s side and stroke and aortic stenosis on his father’s side.

1. Toader, Corneliu, et al. (2023). Cognitive Crescendo: How Music Shapes the Brain’s Structure and Function. Brain sciences, 13.10, 760-769.
2. Lau, F. D., & Giugliano, R. P. (2022). Lipoprotein (a) and its significance in cardiovascular disease: a review. Jama Cardiology, 7(7), 760-769.
3. American College of Cardiology. September 19, 2023. An Update on Lipoprotein(a): The Latest on Testing, Treatment, and Guideline Recommendations.